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    Руководство по породе серых питбулей:все, что вам нужно знать

    В мире, полном любителей собак, многие могут быть знакомы с породой собак питбуль, известной своей неоднозначной репутацией агрессивной породы, до такой степени, что владение ею в некоторых регионах запрещено законом. Эта репутация агрессора изначально возникла из-за того, что они использовались для кровавых видов спорта, таких как травля быков и травля медведей в Великобритании, которые в конечном итоге перешли к борьбе собак друг против друга, когда Великобритания ввела свои законы о защите животных в 1835 году.

    В последнее время, однако, страх перед питбулями постепенно отступает, поскольку порода постепенно становится известной благодаря своему милому и заботливому характеру, а также ловкости, силе и интеллекту, что принесло ей место в подразделении полиции США К-9 наряду с с бельгийской малинуа и немецкой овчаркой. Поскольку их репутация становится все более положительной, питбули часто выполняют функции полицейских собак, собак-спасателей и поисковых собак.

    При таком уровне питбули очень хорошо известны по целому ряду причин, однако никто не может быть так хорошо знаком с тем фактом, что на самом деле их четыре разные породы собак, носящие титул питбуля. Эти четыре породы произошли от скрещивания староанглийских бульдогов за их силу и староанглийских терьеров за их ловкость.

    Эти четыре породы быков:американский питбультерьер, американский стаффордширский терьер, стаффордширский бультерьер и американский хулиган. Однако, поскольку эти четыре породы выглядят довольно похоже и их часто путают друг с другом, чаще всего идентифицируют породу питбуля по их отчетливой окраске. Зная это, что такое серый питбуль?

    Все, что вам нужно знать о серых питбулях

    Как следует из названия, серый питбуль — это термин, используемый специально для питбулей, которые имеют синюю или серую окраску шерсти, глаз, носа и ногтей на ногах. Да, даже их ногти. Эта синяя или серая окраска происходит от рецессивного гена, разбавления доминирующей вариации черного цвета. Grey Pitbulls are not a specific breed, but rather, any Pitbulls that have the recessive gene responsible for this grey collaboration are considered grey Pitbulls.

    Grey Pitbull Appearance and Size

    Male grey Pitbulls can grow up to 53 cm (approximately 1.7 feet) and can weigh from 30 to 66 pounds, while female grey Pitbulls can grow up to 50 cm (approximately 19.6 feet) and weigh up to 50 pounds. The coats of grey Pitbulls come in several variations, including brindle, fawn, and tricolor coats, with white markings on their chest, feet, and tail.

    The brindle coats of Grey Brindle Pitbulls, another characteristic of a recessive gene, are characterized by a subtle and blended striped coloration, ranging from a blue-grey base coat with lighter tan or fawn color variations, or the reverse.

    The coat of a Grey Fawn Pitbull on the other hand is characterized by their striking and distinct silver-blue coats and lighter colored noses. These Grey Fawn Pitbulls are lighter than their simple Grey Pitbull counterparts but are both considered to be grey Pitbulls all the same. Finally, Grey Tricolor Pitbulls’ coats are made up of three distinct colors:a grey base coat with wide splotches of tan and white.

    Rarity and Health Problems

    The distinct coloration of grey Pitbulls due to a recessive gene makes them particularly rare, and thus highly sought after, often ranging from $500 at the cheapest to an impressive $10,000! This recessive gene is a dilution of the dominant black pigment, but the lack of melanin can cause health problems and diseases that breeders and owners should be aware of, including hip dysplasia, food allergies, skin conditions, and hypothyroidism.

    Personality and Temperament

    The aggression typically associated with grey Pitbulls is not found in their genes, but rather in their past experiences and relationships with their owners and families. Pitbulls that are raised in a loving household are known to be caring, sweet, and highly sociable, showing affection not only for their owners but also for guests and strangers, making them known for being very happy and welcoming.

    However, without being socialized properly as puppies, Pitbulls might not be so welcoming to other dogs and thus prefer the exclusive company of their human companions. This can be combated by proper socialization, slow introductions between dogs, and general positive reinforcement during good encounters with other dogs.

    Grey Pitbulls are also highly sensitive to noise, and when they are irritated by such, can show unwanted behaviors such as biting, barking, digging, and chewing. Also, due to their prey drive, they require plenty of strenuous exercises, not making them suitable for low activity households. Regularly engaging them in activities such as fetch, tug-of-war, running, hiking, swimming, and pulley jumping can help regulate these behaviors and allow them to drain their impressive stamina.

    Are Grey Pitbulls Good Family Dogs?

    Due to their loving and caring nature, grey Pitbulls are excellent companions and great for families. With love, affection, and proper training, Pitbulls are loyal and protective of their families and owners.

    Compatibility With Children

    Pitbulls as a breed are protective of children, often being trained as babysitters and nannies for their caring and protective nature and their ability to withstand and endure rugged child play. They often become upset if a baby is crying or harmed, and can assist children in walking and running.

    Grey Pitbulls:A Conclusion

    Owning and caring for a Pitbull may be a challenge, especially with the added health problems present in grey Pitbulls due to their reduced presence of melanin. Not being prepared to train and care for a grey Pitbull can result in the unwanted fear responses and aggression they have a reputation for.

    It is very important to be well educated about Pitbulls before adoption, but with the proper knowledge and care, you are in for one of the best companions you could ever ask for. Though they come with a hefty price tag for their rare coloration, grey Pitbulls are a sight to behold and would make an excellent addition to any loving and responsible family.